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Rewilding the Witch Within: Kiki Keskinen on Nature, Magic, and Building a School for Modern Witches

Season #10 Episode #53

On this potent Full Moon and Eclipse, that follows the energetic rebirth of the Spring Equinox, I have the privilege of introducing you to one of my teachers, now a dear friend on the Witchhunt podcast.


Meet Kiki Keskinen, creator of WitchSchool Canada, who's life is one magical story after another. 


>> Click here to tune in: Rewilding the Witch Within: Kiki Keskinen on Nature, Magic & Building a School for Modern Witches 


Kiki shares her incredible story as a child, her early professional years as a secret revolutionary witch agent behind the scenes of corporate Canada, and how Witchschool Canada came to be.

We discuss the power of rewilding, eclectic witchcraft, black magic, the intersection of feminism, earth love and spirituality. And so much more!


It's with delight that I share the deep wisdom and playful spirit of Kiki!






P.S. LAST CHANCE TO JOIN Witchhunt Collective: 13 Moons Together

I have 5 spaces left in my year-long Full Moon women’s circling experience that's dotted with 4 seasonal sacred feminine ceremonies (like RISE.

You can pay for as little as $37/ month for 12 months. Or for $400 for the full year. There are 13 gatherings in total — 4 ceremonies (hybrid events) and 9 full moon circles (virtual only).

Doors open until Thursday March 28. Hit reply if you'd like more details on the Collective.