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7 flippin' years

#alignedliving #confidentmom #energymanagement #entrepreneurialjourney #livinginalignment #mindfulmothering #mompreneur #momtruths #motheringishard #mumpreneur #ownyourlife #sensitivemom #sensitivemum Jun 09, 2022

Once upon a time there was a girl with great ambitions.


She got the good marks, got into the best Architecture school, got the scholarships...yada yada.


She was on "the right" path until...


 Love and then motherhood came along.


First she fell head over heels in love with a sexy guy.

Then, a few years later, motherhood would come along and turn her world upside down.


Basically, her head turned into mush. And her heart started leading the way.


Initiation into sensitive motherhood began.


Said girl quit her “save the world” job to be a full time mama after baby #1 arrived.

And soon after baby #2 came along, finances were dwindling in a big way.


So, sensitive Mama's brain convinced heart to go back to work.

Mama found another part-time “save-the-world” job.


Automatic pilot hamster wheel living ensued (along with quite a bit of misery) before…

Surprise!.. Baby number 3 came along.


During her mat leave for baby #3, she discovered life coaching — her soul danced with joy.


The full body YES she experienced on her first coaching training call told her that she’d found her purpose.

And within 9 months of receiving her professional coaching certification, said sensitive mama had built up a small but supportive local network. 

She had 31 women on her email list, 6 paying clients and was beginning to hold free webinars called Overwhelm and Organization.


Her first webinar had 26 women register and 12 women show up live! 

These free webinars would lead into her first group coaching program — Clarity, Confidence & Abundance, which she ran with 3 amazing women


That first year of business (2012), she made 11,739 British pounds (just under 20K USD). That’s approximately $1.5K/ month.


As far as she was concerned, she was on her way!

And that’s when the circling began. 

Circling around and around and around and around in “get-her-business-off-the-ground” mode for [get ready for it]...

…7 years! 


Yup. 7 flippin’ years of struggling uphill to beat her 1.5K months, and uplevel to a solid stable revenue that could contribute to her family’s budget.  


Said sensitive mama is, of course, yours truly ✋.


Ok, here’s where the disclaimer comes in…


My 20K business year was 2012 and in 2013, my husband dealt with the dwindling financing issue and got a well paying job in the U.S.

I registered my business in Washington D.C. after settling the family down, in early 2014. 

In 2014 and 2015 I started-up again with market research, while also managing the fam and helping my mum in her cancer journey and then, in her transition from this world to the next. Her death tore me apart. (We also moved house in D.C. that year).  

In 2016 we moved house again.

And in 2017 we moved to Brazil. 


Interruptions, big and small, appeared to be my jam.


(The fact that my coaching programs were called Stress Less & Love More, and Calm Mom Coaching Circle pretty much says it all).


I told myself that my stagnant biz was a result of the kids’ increasing needs, my traveling husband, my mum’s death and all the bloody moves…


And yes, this was all true. 


But here's the surprising truth I've finally figured out: these contextual constraints weren’t the real reasons my business wasn’t reaching my modest revenue goals and generating profit! 


Now I know that if I'd done things differently, I could have reached those goals...


In my upcoming free training, I’m going to unpack what I did wrong then, and what I’m doing right now so that any sensitive moms out there don’t have to wait 7 years before they reach the stable solid revenue from which they can begin to scale, and create a sustainable thriving business


If you’re wanting to start a business or find yourself circling around (and around and around) in your existing biz, with a revenue that doesn't cut it (or is difficult to scale), be sure to come to: How Sensitive Mums can get up to 2.5K per month in their soul-led business, without missing pickups or school plays


We'll gather live on zoom at 10:30am EST on Tuesday June 14 and you’ll get the most out of it (including the Q&A) if you join live, but a recording will be available for all who sign up.


Click here to register sweet, Mama.


See you then!





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