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From Earthschool to Bliss (& back again), with Allison Littlefeather Holaday, an indigenous medicine woman, galactic energy master & Earthschool survivor of 3 near-death experiences.

Season #8 Episode #45

Welcome to episode 45: From Earthschool to Bliss (and back again), with Allison Littlefeather Holaday, an indigenous medicine woman, galactic energy master and Earthschool survivor of 3 near-death experiences.

In this episode, Allison non-challantly answers some of those age-old existential questions we all have: Why are we here? What’s the purpose of suffering? What’s on the other side of this life?

Specifically, Allison speaks to the concept and her lived experience in the hardest dimension of all — Earthschool. She talks about suffering and chronic illness, how she’s come to honor her call to be of service through her many gifts, and how she navigates this world as an open channel.

Allison also shares what she saw and felt on the other side, during her near-death experiences, giving us insight into what lies beyond the veil and reminding us of the Mystery we are all here to surrender to.

There is great magic and wisdom in this episode.



More about Allison and her magic

Allison’s decades-long spiritual journey dramatically intensified after she experienced three near-death experiences in this lifetime, transformative spiritual ascensions which led to a deep and powerful awakening - revealing that she’d been a Medicine Woman and healer in many past lives.

Recognizing on a very deep level the power that comes from energy and intention, Allison committed to channeling her spiritual strength toward the exploration of healing modalities and humbly offering her abilities in service to others. Allison has dedicated her life to sharing that power with others suffering from a variety of emotional wounds, physical discomfort, and spiritual pain.
As Allison helps others, her gifts continue to expand exponentially. She is the grateful founder of Energy Release Therapy (ERT), a powerful channeled healing modality that allows her to “pull” trapped energy from people using an ancient technique and understanding gathered from centuries of wisdom.

Allison is an intuitive master medicine woman healer with 18,000 years of wisdom to tap into each individual and heal whatever needs to be released. She is also a medium, master channeler, animal communicator/healer, reiki master, spiritual ascension teacher, public speaker, galactic energy master, and past life healer.  Allison’s core belief is that unconditional love is the truth of who and what we are meant to be.

From helping clients break unhealthy habits, repair relationship bonds and experience new levels of personal healing satisfaction, to connecting with a better understanding of the needs of their loving animals, Allison's individualized treatment approach is specifically tailored to each client’s needs. Time and again the incredible transcendent power of her treatments changes lives.


👇 Free download to help you master the Art of Cyclical Living  

For me, the piece of social conditioning that kept me from hearing my intuition FOR DECADES was my addiction to busy doing. And, I’ll be honest, slowing down and resting when my body calls for it is still (and probably forever will be) a growth edge for me.  

The SINGLE BIGGEST THING that took me from getting my to-do's done in a way that was exhausting to one that was (get this) REGENERATIVE, was learning how to match up what I was emotionally, energetically and physiologically best suited to what I was choosing to do. In other words, I was tuning into my body in order to optimize my energy and time.     

This is why I created The Cycle: Your Guide to Cyclical Living is a simple framework and practical tool that will help you harness nature's ancient wisdom in your modern everyday life. It’s a free download that includes: a Cycle Poster Print, a description of the cycle’s 4 phases and some practical start-up tips for those new to cyclical living.

→You can check it out