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{Mini-Series} Patriarchy Detox Explained: Episode 3

Season #4 Episode #28

Welcome to episode 3 of our Mini-Series, Patriarchy Detox Explained.

In this episode, I talk about women’s tendency to over function and overdo. Our addiction to busy-ness, where it comes from and what to do about it. Or, at least, 5 specific shifts I made to heal myself of it. 

I make reference to the following resources (all highly recommended reading for Witches out there):

Dr. Sara Gottfried, as referenced in the article:

Tiffany Dufu's Drop The Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less

Kate Northrup's Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms

Brené Brown's Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead


In this episode, I also invite soul-led sensitive mum entrepreneurs to join me in my upcoming signature zero cost training: How Sensitive Witchy Mums Can Make $2500 per month in their Soul-Led Business, Without Missing Pickups or School Plays which will take place under the power of the Full Moon on January 6 at 11am Eastern.

In this training, I'll walk you through:

— A simple mum-friendly business model for sensitive souls ready to generate consistent scalable $2.5K/ months, without missing out on pickups or school plays

— Even if you don't believe that you have what it takes, how you can reach a consistent $2.5K/ month revenue in a way that feels easeful and natural

— How to embrace soulpreneurship in a way that makes you a more present mama (and even better role model) for your littles.

You can register for this free training by going to

 The magic discount code for WitchHunt listeners who choose to join the intimate Simple & Sacred business incubator, with a discount of $333 is WITCHESRISE. This code will be valid until January 20 2023.

In tomorrow’s episode, I’m going to talk about taking uncomfortable steps towards personal growth and soul-led expansion. 

We’ll talk about how trauma serves to keep us safe (and small), where that trauma comes from and how to shift it to heal our way into a version of ourself that can up level more easily — and that involves manifesting with more ease, stepping into your power, living from a place of energetic alignment.   

Hasta mañana my love,
