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{Mini Series} Patriarchy Detox Explained: Episode 1

Season #4 Episode #26

Yay! And welcome to episode one of the WitchHunt mini-series β€” Patriarchy Detox Explained.

In this episode, I tell you a little about my journey and soul work and I walk you through what is to come in this mini-series.

Patriarchy Detox Explains holds the specific intention of sharing with you THE 3 MOST IMPACTFUL ways that I’ve detoxified my life as a highly sensitive, soul-led entrepreneur and conscious mother of 3.

It's made up of 4 episodes, including this one that will air back to back, over 3 consecutive days.

I also invite soul-led sensitive mum entrepreneurs to join me in my upcoming signature zero cost training: How Sensitive Witchy Mums Can Make $2500 per month in their Soul-Led Business, Without Missing Pickups or School Plays which will take place under the power of the Full Moon on January 6 at 11am Eastern.

In this training, I'll walk you through:

β€”  A simple mum-friendly business model for sensitive souls ready to generate consistent scalable $2.5K/ months, without missing out on pickups or school plays  

β€” Even if you don't believe that you have what it takes, how you can reach a consistent $2.5K/ month revenue in a way that feels easeful and natural  

β€” How to embrace soulpreneurship in a way that makes you a more present mama (and even better role model) for your littles.

You can register for this free training by going to πŸ‘‰

And if you're feeling called to explore how we can work together to up-level your business and bring your soul-led business dreams to life, I invite listeners to join me on a free Simple & Sacred strategy session. You can go ahead and schedule right here:

The magic discount code for WitchHunt listeners who choose to join the intimate Simple & Sacred business incubator, with a discount of $333 is WITCHESRISE.

This code will be valid until January 20 2023.

In tomorrow's episode, I’m going to talk about the first thing I learned, practiced and have now mastered β€” and that is a witchy alternative way for women to manage their energy and time.  I’ll walk you through an alternative approach that is based on the wisdom of natural cycles, including the one that lies in our female bodies. 

Looking forward to that,
