Alexandra Hughes 0:00
Hi everyone and their cat is talking about witches. But what is a witch or medicine woman or priestess? How does one become one? And what is the common thread between women who identify as such magical creatures? Welcome to the witch hunt podcast, where we hold space for healing conversations that collectively explore these questions with the intention of celebrating of illuminating and elevating the rise of feminine energy magic and self sourced power. All in a world that's gone pretty much mental. Every new and full moon host is Aleksandra, Beckel Hughes, who identifies as all three of these sacred tights, in her own weird way, invites you to brew some tea to light a candle, and to join her in her conversations with witches, medicine, women, priestesses, and other magical creatures from around the world. So come gather to share in the knowledge, experience, magic and sacred stories of those women, who once hunted to be burned at the stake, are now hunted, to be held in the light, so that they so that we can illuminate the way.
Chanti Zak 1:28
Suddenly, there was this realisation that like, we're all connected as humans, but we're also intricately linked and connected to the nature around us. And the nature of reality is so far from what I thought like, you know, being a teenage girl, everything feels like so limited and constricting and hard. And we are raised in these like paradigms of control. And so that experience really opened the door to this, this whole other way of thinking and seeing the world and shifting my own perception. From limited control paradigm to something a lot more expansive.
Alexandra Hughes 2:22
Welcome to Episode 39 of the witch hunt podcast. One of the things I love most about my work, and especially about this role as a podcast host is having the privilege and gift of witnessing the womanly wisdom of my guests. And lately, I've been waking up to a truth that's breaking open an assumption I've heard about wisdom, and it's this. I used to believe that wisdom correlated with time. In other words, the older you were, the more wise you became. And to a certain degree, I know this to be true. But What's blowing me away is the amount of wisdom womanly wisdom that today's young witches have, like younger than me by one, two, or even three decades. These women I'm coming across are not only incredibly wise and savvy, but badass and the courage they have to trailblaze their own life paths. Today's guest Chanti Zak is the most beautiful example of this. I met Chanti five years ago, when I hired her to build a quiz funnel for me. It was an amazing experience that did wonders for the business I had back then. But it was me hiring a lovely smart woman in the early days of her business to grow my list. What a pleasure to reconnect with gente after she hit the entrepreneurial big leagues working with the likes of Amy Porterfield a pleasure because I got to know a beautiful part of her that felt so dear. I don't want to give too much away. But suffice to say that this incredible woman mother, online entrepreneur, Word and Earth, which went from being a confused teen troubled with being in a body mature for her age, to one inspired by the magic of plant medicine to create a life of freedom, magic and bliss. And that's exactly what this rebellious teen who left home at the tender age of 16 did. listen in to learn how this young witch harnessed her passion gifts and wisdom to realise the most beautiful mountain which dream for her and her young family. Enjoy. Hi, Chanti Welcome to the witch hunt podcast.
Chanti Zak 4:33
Hello. Thank you for having me.
Alexandra Hughes 4:36
Yeah, I'm so excited to have you here. And like we were saying just before hitting the record button. It's been a pretty long minute so long that we don't even know exactly could you begin by introducing yourself your beautiful self to our listeners?
Chanti Zak 4:52
Yeah, I am. Zach and I create cool Is is and what I call empathy marketing ecosystems for online business owners in all manner of niches. That's my, you know, professional side. On the personal side, I'm a mom of three littles two to who are, you know, total full blown toddler stage. And I am super into homesteading and learning how to grow food. And rewilding just getting back to nature and, and finding moments to be present to the magic that nature can offer us and the gifts and teachings.
Alexandra Hughes 5:48
That's so beautiful, and so therapeutic for a mother of three littles who also happens to run a really amazing business.
Chanti Zak 6:00
Yeah, yesterday I love my new routine is to finish work and just go straight into the garden and pull weeds. Because it's chaos in there right now. Spring, Spring bounty is yet to be had. It's just full on getting dirty. And feel. Yeah, it feels so good to just be able to do that and disconnect from the virtual reality and ground into the Earth reality.
Alexandra Hughes 6:34
Yes, yes. wonderful way to find or to reconnect with the rhythms around us. So I'm curious, you know, it's been a while and we've both evolved and bidding in different places in our lives. I love what you say about the empathy market ecosystems. And I want to go back there. I'm really curious about exploring your magic. But I'm curious to know, first of all, why did you say yes to coming onto a podcast? That's called Witch Hunt?
Chanti Zak 7:08
I mean, where am I? Which is that? A witchy. Woman through and through? So yes, any any podcasts with that kind of title is my jam 100%. And it's you. So
Alexandra Hughes 7:27
tell me about your witchiness. Tell me about how you define the word which is that the word like of all I often say, you know, that this podcast is about illuminating the lives of witches and priestesses and medicine, women, but I've also had women on here who refer to themselves or identify as sorceresses. Healers, what is the word that you most identify as? or words that there may be more than one? Yeah.
Chanti Zak 7:57
So funnily ironically, I took this quiz recently, and it was like what type of which are you? And I got Earth, which, and I was like, oh, yeah, that that feels 100% accurate. Because I came into my witchiness, I would say, through connecting with plant medicine, and, you know, completely changing the way that I ate and understood the world and working with plants and herbs. And that was my gateway into which DME, so I'm happy with the label Earth, which
Alexandra Hughes 8:50
I would argue Shanti you're also a word which we can go work.
Chanti Zak 8:54
Yes. That too. I don't know if you've heard this. There's this podcast with Aubrey Marcus. And he interviews I totally forgot her name right now I need to find it. But she, the interview is all about casting spells and the power of words. And it's so fascinating. Like, I love it so much I listened to a month ago now. So I'm completely forgetting what it was called. But maybe we can link to it. But yeah,
Alexandra Hughes 9:22
can you remind me the name of them of the podcaster.
Chanti Zak 9:27
Aubrey Marcus.
Alexandra Hughes 9:29
Okay, I'm gonna I'll just write it down, and then we'll look it up after. And we can link to it in the show notes. So tell me more about your experience. I guess awakening to that understanding and that truth that you are, in fact, an earth which
Chanti Zak 9:49
I mean, it happened very, very young. I would say I was like, maybe 14 And that was the first time I did my Magic mushrooms. And that was that like, cracked me wide open. Like, suddenly there was this realisation that like, we're all connected as humans, but we're also intricately linked and connected to the nature around us. And the nature of reality is so far from what I thought like, you know, being a teenage girl, everything feels like so limited and constricting and hard. And we are raised in these like paradigms of control. And so that experience really opened the door to this, this whole other way of thinking and seeing the world and shifting my own perception from limited control paradigm to something a lot more expansive.
Alexandra Hughes 11:03
Yeah, yeah. So that's interesting. So plant medicine, and specifically magic mushrooms was the portal for you.
Chanti Zak 11:12
I would say that was the first. Yes. There were many other.
Alexandra Hughes 11:18
Okay, yeah. And I want to hear about the many others. But I'm really curious, a lot of the women that I interview on the podcast, they sort of shut down their witchiness, somewhere along the way. And a lot of the time that shutdown happens exactly when you woke up to it. Like around early teens, sometimes even Queens before that, because of course, until the age of seven, I've learned that you're basically living in theta all the time. Okay. Oh, yeah. And then you kind of start to realise, like, what you're supposed to be like, all those constructs and confines that you were talking about. And then they shut down and then somewhere along the way, maybe later on in life, they wake up to their witchiness. But for you, it sounds like you woke up to the witchiness. At 14, did you stay witchy from 14 on?
Chanti Zak 12:13
Yeah, that's really interesting that you bring that up, because certainly there was a shutdown period. In the years before that. I hit puberty. So early. I was 10. When I got my first period, I remember being in the sixth grade and going to my friend's house, and her mom, we were in the bathroom with her mom, and we were all weighing ourselves. Cuz I guess that's what you did. And I weighed the same as her mom. I was like, taller than her mom, like I had breasts really early on. And I hated that. Like, I had so much resentment toward my body. And like, why am I 10 years old and experiencing this when like, none of my friends are and I like, look like a woman yet. I'm a little girl. And so there was this, like, intense resistance. And my relationship to, to my body and nature at that point was like, really toxic. Like, I remember going on diets, like Weight Watchers at like 12 years old, because I thought I was so fat. And my mom was like, Sure, yeah, honey, like, I'll support you. And by all the teen magazines, and like, obsess over that stuff. I would go on, like Anna pro anorexia, forums, at, you know, 1213 and think like, oh, yeah, I want to be this way. I want to have more control over what I'm eating. And that was like, so such a painful time. And then yeah, so the shift out of that happened fairly early on, but there were still a number of years where Yeah, I was like, completely shut down to the the embodiment of of Yeah, what it means to be a witch I guess, which is to me this, like deep connection and acceptance of self of nature and and that we are more than our meat suits.
Alexandra Hughes 14:40
I love that. I love that we are more than our meat suits. That's such an important thing and I love something that you said in an email or and I can't remember where I read it from you but that we are nature. You know, that's such an important realisation. And so if I did, I did magic mushrooms. I was a little older than you I was in my 20s the first time, and it was not a contained space. Like it wasn't. It was me and a friend in the Netherlands just doing shrooms. And I remember very specifically not being able to be inside, like it didn't matter. Yeah, had to be outside and we went walking through a park. And there was, I have never sensed a more cut. It was a little bit like Wizard of Oz easy. But it was also like the feeling of deep connection and just intimate. I don't know, I it's even beyond connection. It's like, I don't even know how to explain it. It was so beautiful. But it wasn't something that at that age I could. I lived very unconsciously I think for a really long time. I couldn't I couldn't really see it as a portal, let's say. So what was it about? I'm curious to know, like at 14 for you to already see that as a portal as something that took you back? Do you feel like it helped to heal you from those times of disconnect that you just described?
Chanti Zak 16:21
Yeah, I think in hindsight, it did. Because it showed me that there's more, there's more to reality than, you know, yeah. obsessing over like meaningless numbers on the scale. And, you know, there was like, so much, so much pain, and anger in those early years of becoming a woman and not feeling ready. Not feeling like I had, like, had my mom and my grandma on sure, that level of sisterhood, but like, a bigger container of sisterhood to like, witness that transition and transformation and honour it. It was like something to be repressed and hidden. And, yeah, I think that that experience woke something up in me that I don't think I was conscious of, at the time, necessarily, but like looking back, I could see that that that was certainly the first portal, and absolutely a healing experience of just seeing like widening the aperture. So going from this very small perspective to like, yeah, just a little bit bigger. And I would say the second Portal was when I went to India when I was 19. And seeing, you know, literally, the world is so much bigger, and so much more complex than than I ever thought. So, yeah, but yes, that like 14, in hindsight, I can say it was the portal. At that point. I was probably just like, I'm a fairy, and I just discovered this.
Alexandra Hughes 18:24
It's a beautiful world to be in. Yeah. So you said that it didn't feel conscious. And then at night teen, you perhaps were a little more conscious, I guess I'm curious to know like, when did you become conscious of the fact that you were awakening into which world? Your own witchiness
Chanti Zak 18:52
hmm. Yeah, well, that that certainly was the starting point. And after that experience, I did not want to be controlled anymore. And yet I was 14 years old, and the first the firstborn child living under my parents roof, all manner of rules that I did not want to respect. And so I didn't I I moved out at 16. I moved in with my boyfriend. I got a job working at GNC, I don't know if you know, GNC is like a supplements. Yeah, vitamin supplement, bodybuilding stuff. And I started going to yoga. I started practising yoga at 16 and that did feel like an awakening. And I remember like working at GNC, it was so dead. Like that store. It was just, it was this tiny little store in the mall, and I would work in nights. And there'd be some nights like to customers. So I would just read, I would just sit on the protein buckets and read. And I remember reading like, Eckhart Tolle is books at that age. And, you know, like, just more layers tapped, the being peeled back of like, okay, what is this life? I co creating it? Do I have to feel this tangle of like, very low vibration emotions all the time, or can I shift out of that? And so that, yeah, that awakening has happened over a number of years, but gratefully Yeah, did start very young.
Alexandra Hughes 20:46
Yeah. And you talked about, like, all these different modalities that supported you. So there's plant medicine, there were books, yoga, your trip to India, is there? Are there any other modalities or events or anything that you can think of that helped you to really embrace your inner? Which, along the way, or that's you today?
Chanti Zak 21:12
Yeah. Well, so it was cool working at this supplement store, as like a teenage girl who knows absolutely nothing about the body and how it functions. Because I learned I, I just kind of got lucky and worked with these two guys, who were both in University at the time, who were both like Absolute Nutrition nerds. And I would just get to listen to them converse with customers talk about this stuff. So I started learning a lot about nutrition, and, you know, optimising our bodies. And so that was like another another aspect of the awakening, I would say, because I was raised, you know, just eating like a really standard conventional, like, pre made package junk. Like, bless my mother, I adore her. She is like, so wonderful. And also, I think it was just how you did it, during the, you know, 90s, early 2000s. Like, being like a crunchy mom wasn't so much a thing. So yeah, we would just like eat Dunkaroos and fruit roll ups and like, whatever, all the time. I also went vegetarian at like a very young age, but I was just like, super unhealthy vegetarian to see at eating, like, whatever junk that didn't have meat in it. So yeah, I didn't feel that great in my body for a long time. And then when I started learning about nutrition, and like more further down the line herbalism that was really life changing for me too, because I totally changed. The way that I ate I was reading like Michael Pollan books really early on, and in getting all these supplements, like for free from this place that I worked in, like taking all these different vitamins and just experimenting with that. And so that was, that was another part of it, too, was just learning about, like, how powerful our bodies are, and how much things really can change when we start to fuel ourselves with the right nutrients.
Alexandra Hughes 23:40
Absolutely, it's interesting, I've never I can't remember I do have a very bad memory, but I can't remember really talking about the importance and again, it goes back to the we are nature peace, like, if we are nature, then the food that we bring into us just like a plant needs to be nourishing, right. And I don't think we knew enough back then to get like, you know, the industrial complex that's, that's been that was feeding us with you just didn't know and our parents just didn't know Right? Or maybe some did, but it was the odd one out that Yeah, but that that again, it's about the being part of a cycle and honouring that as we breathe as we nourish our physical temples but that that hold our soul.
Chanti Zak 24:31
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I think I went a little bit far even, like I I would go to my parents house and open their fridge and and like take the margin out and throw it in the garbage. And my friends would call me the margin Nazi. Like margin is evil. The pendulum like it can swing too far and I redirection. But But yeah, exactly like, I go out into my garden. And if I see that my tomatoes have yellow leaves and aphids all over them, like there's a nutrient that's missing in that soil. And when you give it the right nutrient The problem is solved.
Alexandra Hughes 25:22
Yeah, yeah. I love that. And what What about like what helps you in your day to day to embrace your uniqueness as a witch or your whole and holy self?
Chanti Zak 25:37
Yeah, I was actually just writing about this and thinking about it. Because it's really easy to slip into routine, this routine like but like mindless routine, where you kind of feel like numb and asleep. It's like awakening isn't a linear process. It's easy to like, move in and out of it almost. And I was thinking about this. And it's interesting. You said like children under seven are in theta, brainwave state all the time. Because I think it has a lot to do with brainwave states. And so for me, like any practice, that can help me get into like alpha, or theta, and shift out of that, like frenetic supposed to should resent me resentment, energy, that often, you know, comes with the territory of like, being a mother being super busy having like, three little people screaming demands that you constantly who need routine. And so the practices that helped me shift out of that are well, micro dosing I microdose. Magic Mushrooms, okay. And that's just a slight, a slight perception shift. Like if I can still work and be functional. And yet, like, music sounds richer, and creativity comes easier and, and stress dissipates. So that's one. And then this movement movement practices. And this was another thing like, like, I had, like, sort of a long, complicated relationship with moving my body. And why am I doing that. And it was always, to look a certain way. It was never to feel a certain way. And but over the years, the more recent years, that's completely turned around, like now, it's like, Sure, it's nice to have like, a tight budget, but whatever, that's secondary, what's primary is that if I get like a strong yoga practice in every day, or workout, a dance or whatever, whether it's a dance party, or like, a little hit class, or a long walk, or yoga, like, that makes me feel a certain way. And now I need that feeling. It's, it's like the brainwave shift. So that I would say, is really the most most profound, even though it's really simple. It's just movement, at least once a day. Because, I mean, like, so many of maybe your listeners, maybe you like, we're like sitting at our desks for a long chunk of the day. And and that, that can wear on you. So kind of shaking that off. has been really, really important. And then yeah, just getting outside and like getting into nature and working in the garden going for a walk. Like that's a real, a real grounding practice that I always come back to you as well.
Alexandra Hughes 29:19
Yeah, yeah, that those that's wonder all three of those are so simple and yet powerful. And easy. I have found to forget. Yeah, so really nice to get them into the routine. If one could get them into the mindless routine even better. Yeah, totally. I was gonna ask you like, when I had when my kids were your age, and before we hit the record button, I'm like, I didn't know you had three like Welcome to the crazy, you know, because having three is just your outro Yeah, How do you or do you find that being a witch supports that? Or? And you kind of answered the question, but I want to go there like specifically around the mothering piece, like, and a second part of that question would be how do you practice being a witch mom? Or do you? Huh?
Chanti Zak 30:31
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about this is that like, witches were a community, there's like a sisterhood. Right? We weren't normally just like, solo, which with no which friends. And still today, like, I feel like my closest allies and friends are witches. And so, in mother in relation to mothering, it's not doing all the things and being able to bring other witches into the circle, who I know can also teach and guide and support my children. And that's been transformative. Like to have help. To not feel like it's like, all you in this and you're your partner in this, like nuclear family. Like, it's just not like that, like we have so much community and help with our children, mostly from other women. And, and that makes it possible for me to like, go off and do solo witchy things and come back and like, share those lessons with my kiddos. But also, when I am with them. Like, my daughter is obsessed with being in the garden with me, and learning about plants. And she's loves worms. She loves animals so much. And that's like, warmly welcomed and nurtured in her. The other day, there was a beautiful, not comfrey melon, a beautiful melon plant that popped up in the garden. And if you're not familiar with melon, it's, uh, it's really fuzzy, the leaves are really fuzzy. And you can you can use it to like, wipe your bum in the forest in a pinch. So we found them all and it was like, do you know it's the fuzzy it's a fuzzy plant, you can wave your bum with it, it's called melon. And so I'm like teaching her all about this plant and that, like, if you make a tea with it, it's really good for your lungs. And, and then she just like starts like wiping her butt all over. History three.
Alexandra Hughes 33:22
Oh, so sweet. So Shanti I think back again, like, I did not have that sisterhood. Because for lots of different reasons. And first of all, I just want to celebrate that you have. And I wonder if well, I guess I curious how have you always one and two? Do you think that it's an awareness that women of your generation have like was it a conscious choice to, to find, to find a place where you would have that? If I was a little bit late in the game on doing that?
Chanti Zak 34:04
Yeah, I think it's still really common to not have that. It don't know that it's the norm. But for me, it was a conscious choice. Like when we got to a place where like we're able to buy some land. The idea was that we would build community on this land. And there's plenty of space. There's plenty of opportunity here. So we don't want to keep that all to ourselves. So like bringing people onto the land who want to, you know, live closer to nature, learn how to garden help with the kids, like that's how it's manifested for the most part, and then being in in a small, rural community. I think that makes it easier because you don't have a choice like you have to know your neighbours. And everyone knows, everyone knows everyone like it's happens without any effort. But yeah, to that next level of like, putting a profile on Workaway. And like saying yes to people who want to come and learn and hang out and like get out of the rat race, and they're contributing to the children's lives, like, that's really how it's showing up. Which is such a rare and beautiful thing, like, and I think there's many different ways of creating that kind of community, whether you live in Raleigh, or in the city, like, most people want that. Most women especially, but we don't necessarily know how to create it, and make it happen. And I had, so I have not always had it, like, when we were living on, we were living on a golf island before. And again, it's still like a rural community, but a little different, because also 50% of the people who own homes, they're only come for like a month out of the year. So it's kind of a different thing. And I had a lot of a harder time building community and finding that sisterhood there, probably because I just didn't know how like, I think the way that you make friends often is like through school or through work. And suddenly, like I'm in a position where like, I work from home, I have my own business. I have friends online, but how do I make friends in this new chapter of life? So yeah, I definitely struggled with it at various points, but yeah, I'm grateful to say that that is shifting.
Alexandra Hughes 37:01
Yeah. Yeah. It's truly amazing. I'm curious what's Workaway
Chanti Zak 37:07
it's just like, um, do you know, Wolfing? Yeah. So it's kind of like that. But it's not
Alexandra Hughes 37:14
just organic farming to our listeners.
Chanti Zak 37:17
What will fit? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So one thing stands for worldwide, organic. Oh, I don't know what the other Oh, is the farm nation
Alexandra Hughes 37:28
for farmers. We may be butchered? Yeah. But it's about Yeah, an international organisation that supports organic farming.
Chanti Zak 37:35
Yeah, so if you have an organic farm, you can put a profile on Workaway or sorry, on on the Wolfing website, or Workaway. And say, like, I'm looking for someone who want to volunteer for a few hours a day in exchange for a place to live and meals and learning skills. So that's Wolfing Workaway is a little bit more broad, because it's not just farming tasks. It could be like, you're building off grid cabin, and you need help with that. And so you're looking for someone who would volunteer their time, who wants to learn that, again, in exchange for sometimes like, small amounts of money, but more often room and board and food?
Alexandra Hughes 38:31
Okay, I hadn't heard of that. So when so this is interesting. Shanti because like, if anybody follows Shaun T on Instagram, you see this incredibly successful quiz creator and copywriter who is just magnetic who works for like, Amy Porterfield, and, you know, they don't see this side of you. And I'm so glad that it's coming out here. But I'm really curious, like, was there a moment where you were like, I've had it like, I can't do this anymore. I am doing it differently. Like, was there a moment when that happened? Can you tell me about that?
Chanti Zak 39:10
Yeah, in relation to like, living? Yeah.
Alexandra Hughes 39:17
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like kind of just setting up more of a village for yourself really like in the metaphoric term?
Chanti Zak 39:26
Yeah, well, that was my dream for a really long time. Actually, before I even had a business like, I was a buffer addict farms all over and to learn, right, and my ultimate goal and dream was to like, give that gift in return and to one day be able to buy some land and like put these skills to use and so was kind of like a Dream 10 years in the making, like, I had really wanted that. And like, for the longest time, he was just sort of a vagabond, and like lived in like eco villages and would go to like workshops all over the place and volunteer. And so we were both on the same page in that regard, which was helpful. But yeah, getting to the place where it was, like, actually, a possibility. Took, yeah, took a really long time. And so we were renting on a golf island in 2020, of course, and I had found out that I was pregnant with my third, which was a surprise. And that was like, Okay, we need, like, we need to figure this out. And I had had like, a pretty successful launch for my course, like this big money injection. And so we were just like, it's go time, we need to make this dream happen. And, and so we just got started started looking. And it did not make sense where we were living at the time. Financially, like, you know, I don't know if listeners are you are familiar with, like the west coast of British Columbia, and the real estate situation, but it's crazy, like, you spent a million dollars and you get a shack that's falling apart. So, so yeah, we had to sort of look to the mountains and and come to the interior. And we both lived here before actually, this is where we met. So it's like coming back to this place that is very special to both of us. And where that like, the closest Starbucks is two hours away the the closest of our banks two hours away, like it's, we're in the middle of nowhere. But after you know, years of, of building my business, we got to a place where it doesn't matter. We can do this from the middle of nowhere. And that's actually ideal. So anyways, I'm going off on a tangent, but yeah, it was a very, it was a dream that I had for so long.
Alexandra Hughes 42:32
Wow. It's it's a beautiful, very, it's a mountain which is dream. It's a beautiful dream. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for sharing that. I have another question. How do you define magic? Chanti? Hmm.
Chanti Zak 42:52
Okay, I heard this term the other day that I really loved, which is the opposite of a trigger is a glimmer. Have you heard this? No. So a glimmer is like something that exactly opposite of a trigger, like creates a spark of joy and makes you smile or like creates a little dopamine hit in your body like gives you butterflies makes your heart feel good, is like a warm hug. And, to me magic is in alignment with glimmers because it's often this invisible force and sensation that creates a perception shift. Like I think magic is all around us all of the time. But unless we can perceive it, and feel it, it doesn't exist. And so being able to perceive it and feel it those little glimmers throughout our lives and our days that remind us that magic is always always available. That's I think what it means to me,
Alexandra Hughes 44:13
that's beautiful. What is your so you've defined yourself as an earth which and I've defined you as a word which what is your unique magic may be in both of those areas, and then we can jump into I want to talk about your gorgeous business.
Chanti Zak 44:31
Yeah, yeah, I'm definitely a word which is just a gift that I'm grateful to have been given. And yeah, it's one of those things like I never went to college or university. I was never a good student. I barely graduated high school, and yet I was always good at writing. And I always loved writing and Reading. And so yeah, be able to take that and build a career out of it and use it as a channel for like, creative expression. And healing is it's certainly a facet of my witchiness. And then the earth stuff, I mean, I feel like a baby, which in that department, like, there's so much to learn. And that really, like, nature is just my teacher at this point. And I'm just like, listening and learning, and still definitely in what's the word when you're studying? And just learning, learning all the things still internship? Internships, the age?
Alexandra Hughes 45:55
Yeah. Well, there's, there's forever learning in that in that department, I guess, in all departments. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, just the fact that we're on a podcast called Witch Hunt right now seeks to a time in history history. I think it's still history, I'd say technically, but where there's a rise, right? Like, it's a time in human evolution that's maybe inviting and facilitating the rise of these women. And I'm curious to know what your opinion is around. Why now? What do you think it is about now that is kind of either inviting or facilitating, or just maybe even making possible, like all of this? Because it's a collective thing? It's so interesting.
Chanti Zak 46:50
Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I think in that vein, there's like, lineage conversation and like, ancestral wisdom, that we now have a plenty, right? Like, we can look back and see what happened to the witches, you know, not that long ago. And say, like, okay, never again. And I think about my, just my recent lineage, like my grandmother, and my great grandmother, and my mother, and like, the choices, or lack of choices that they had. And here we are today, on like, relatively equal footing. Well, that could be argued, but at least in the first world, where we have so much opportunity, as as women as witches, and we've learned so much from the past, that and the earth, the planet, humanity, like needs, that medicine so badly, that we've sort of come to come to a point where, yeah, all the witches got to bring their wisdom in whatever unique way it manifests to create healing and a better world for our babies.
Alexandra Hughes 48:30
Yeah, yeah. It makes me I just got like, full body tingles as you were speaking. It makes me think that if we are nature, I wonder if the messages are coming right through us. And just calling us now to take action because it's just so like you said, it's just so necessary for the earth and for our future generations. Yeah. Yeah. Tell me where tell us where we can find you. And your magic.
Chanti Zak 49:08
Yeah, you can find me. My website is Chanti And I'm on Instagram at Shanthi, zag, and Facebook and all of the channels. So you can find me there. I do most of my writing and creative expression through my email list. So check that out if your calls and yeah, I talk a lot about empathy, marketing ecosystem whizzes and the power of curiosity, and many other tangential topics.
Alexandra Hughes 49:48
I want to know before you get off what is empathy market ecosystems?
Chanti Zak 49:55
Yeah, it's sort of there's the There's a few parts to it. So it was it came to be because I've been in the online marketing world for like many years now. And often there's this like, machine mindset or mono culture mindset, with business practices where it's like, if I do this one thing, it'll change everything. And suddenly, I'll be like, super rich and wearing a bikini on a Lambo like no. So it's like this isolation mindset. And I think that probably intertwines with this obsession with like, having a really clearly defined niche should, if you don't, then no one's going to understand what you do. And like, there's sure there's truth to that. But also, there's so many moving pieces, and like, our businesses are much more like ecosystems than they are machines. And in an ecosystem, the sun represents 80% of the energy that comes into an ecosystem. And in the empathy marketing framework, you the visionary, the creator, the founder, whatever you want to call yourself, are the sun. So like you're bringing most of the energy into your business, which is a huge responsibility. And there's so many practices that can help us as business owners to, like nurture that and be as a strong source of energy, that then filters into all the other aspects which are like seeds. So your seeds are your leads, your audience, the humans who come into your universe, who come in, and they're like, hard little shells, they don't want to crack open, they're cynical, and like, often, there's a lot of resistance. Plus, with someone in the online world. So your seeds come in, and then your soil, that's like your marketing, your messaging your offers, like it's all the things that in combination with the other aspects of the ecosystem, the sun and the water, helped those seeds to sprout and grow, and transform. And then the, the water, the elements of water is, represents the nature of change. So like, constantly, there's change. And this is another thing that like conventional online marketing, wisdom doesn't really talk about, which is that like, you know, one strategy might work today and might not work so well tomorrow. And we're changing as creators and visionaries. Our audience is changing, the collective is changing. So it's like being tuned into the energy of change. And, and then the seasons. So the seasons are fallow, fertile and flourishing. And you just can't be in a flourishing season all the time. So it's understanding the ebb and flow the different seasons in your life in your business, how to work with the energy of those seasons, and, and use it to influence you, the sun, your seeds, your soil, everything else. So kind of all works together.
Alexandra Hughes 53:50
Wow, you're so you're totally bringing in the wisdom of nature this whole like what, which is know to be true into business. That's so beautiful. And I just want to say, and I should have said it at the beginning that I've worked with the way I know Shanti is by having worked with her before, and she's just she's like, the most amazing word which and has and really like through the quiz and the online sequence that you helped me with. Just totally I think I went, I can't even remember, but I think I went with well, things are different now in the Facebook world, but we had 50 cent leads happening. And I just grew my email list like I think five times. Wow, over like it was amazing. So Shanti knows her stuff. And I highly recommend working with her. And this was before she'd come up with all these amazing, like, ecosystem ecosystemic approaches. So I'm so happy for you. Thank you for being on the podcast today. My love.
Chanti Zak 54:55
Thank you so much for having me. This was a joy, someone Fun.
Alexandra Hughes 55:02
I believe that we're on the edge of a new era, and that you're a critical component in determining the direction it will take. This means you've got to get clear on who you are, and what you're here to do and to heal what's holding you back. Beyond quantum healing is a deep form of data state meditation that will help you answer these questions by granting you access to your subconscious mind and I believe your soul. You can learn more about my beyond quantum healing sessions at Alexandra journey. Thank you beautiful for listening to the witch hunt podcast. We appreciate your presence and are so honoured that you're here. If you enjoyed the podcast, please leave a review, subscribe and share it with your friends. One great way to share is by taking a screenshot of the podcast on your phone and posting it on your Instagram story. Please take us at the witch hunt podcast so that we can help share to spreading the word like this will help us to find more witches and to wake more witches. Now you know what it's time to do. Dance it out to the groovy tunes of taste annual which means I miss you in Spanish. It's by gamma skies. Till next time