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Embracing your inner rebel to bring mountain witch dreams to life

Season #6 Episode #39

I met today’s guest, Chanti Zak, 5 years ago when I hired her to build a quiz funnel for me. It was an amazing experience that did wonders for the business I had back then. But it was just me hiring a lovely smart woman who knew her stuff, in the early days of her biz, to grow my list.

What a pleasure to reconnect and get to know this amazing woman’s story — and her whole gorgeous witchy self.

I don’t want to give too much away, but suffice to say that this incredible woman, mother, online entrepreneur, word and earth witch went from being a young girl troubled with finding herself in a woman’s body to one inspired by the magic of plant medicine to create a life of freedom, magic and bliss. And that’s exactly what this rebellious teen who left home at the tender age of 16 did.

Listen in to learn how this witch harnessed her passion, gifts and wisdom to realize a most beautiful mountain witch dream for her and her young family.




More About Chanti and her magic

Chanti is the creator The Empathy Marketing Ecosystem, she's a quiz funnel strategist, growth consultant and coach that’s obsessed with psychology, interactive marketing, and getting brag worthy results for her students and clients. She believes boring is the enemy, neutral is a death sentence and real talk is the way of the future. In her spare time you can find her hanging with her 3 kiddos, learning how to homestead, or binge-watching Chef’s Table.

Learn more about Chanti on her website

And here’s the link to the podcast Chanti referred to where they talk about the power of words and spells.