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7 Surprisingly Sexy Results You Get From Cyclical Living

#alignedliving #bodyfirst #cyclicalliving #energymanagement #ownyourlife #periodpower #radicalselfcare #sacredliving #sacredpause #wakethewitches #witchhunt Nov 01, 2021

I'm one of those people who LOVES planning life out!

And, like many modern women, my life is a full one. I've got 3 kids, a house to co-manage with my man, and a business to run.

And as I've gotten to know and accept myself more completely, I've come to learn that in order to be the best I can be — for myself and those around me — I need  time to process and reflect and rest. To simple BE.

When I don't honor this basic "BE need" my productivity levels crash.

But here's the thing...for eons, I couldn't find a time management system that supported me to honor my "BE need".


Because none of them took the cyclical nature of my body into account.

I know it sounds a bit weird, but stay with me because I've learned something super interesting that could change your life and it is this...

Just as the Earth is primed to do certain things in certain seasons, women's bodies are also wired to optimally do certain things at certain times of their cycle. Resting, included.

Cyclical Living is the ONLY energy and time management system that honors our cyclical nature. If you haven't read the basics on what the heck I'm talking about, head on over to my What is Cyclical Living blog and video

And if you want to learn WHY it's time to switch from whatever energy and time management system you're using, to Cyclical Living then read on — you may be surprised by some of its sexy benefits.


MAGICAL RESULT #1. Boosted productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. 

Think about it…when you practice cyclical living you’re doing what your body is primed to do at the right time of the month. 

And because your hormones and all they regulate (which is just about everything) are programmed to optimally do said task at said time, not only does said task come more naturally and feel easier, we’re more effective and efficient at it.

And so, it takes less time.

This leads us to our second benefit:


MAGICAL RESULT #2. More down time to relax and do what you love. You know the stuff that makes life fun.  

Cyclical living honors ALL the phases of nature, including the on we are in now, the Fall and the Winter. These two seasons — most obviously, as we experience them within our bodies (our luteal phase) and as we experience them in the Earth’s 3rd season, Fall — hold a feminine ying energy that invites us to slow down and go inward.

This is NOT something that is valued in Western culture, where we’re encouraged and reward to be in our perpetual Spring and Summer. 

When we take time to go inward, rest and intuit, we ultimately have more energy and focus during the productivity phases of the cycle. 

So yes, when you practice Cyclical Living, stuff like naps, yoga Nidra, play, or essentially doing what brings you the most joy and calm, become productivity tools. 

Doesn’t get better than that?

Or does it?  


MAGICAL RESULT #3: More ease and flow

…as though life were more of a downstream canoe ride than uphill struggle

Yup. Life ends up feeling more go with the flow (excuse the pun), because you learn that there will be a prime time to do what needs doing, better and faster. There’s no rush or urgency because you learn to trust the cycle, and your body that’s guiding the way. 

MAGICAL RESULT #4: Strengthened relationship with inner wisdom, higher self and heightened intuition 

We ALL have intuition.  But when you practice Cyclical Living, there are 2 things that happen to helps turn up the volume of your inner wisdom dial quick:

  1. You slow down and rest more, creating mental headspace and quiet that will allow for you to hear or sense that intuitive message. More space to pause ALWAYS invites an improved relationship with the wisdom that lives within — especially if it’s sacred pause time. (You can check out my 4-bundles of rituals that invite you to do just that, called The Sacred Pause Experience). 
  2. You learn when it’s the best time to connect with your intuition, and therefore when you sit down with Her, you can hear her better.   


This makes for...


MAGICAL RESULT #5: More space for creativity and fun 

Because when you are connected to your intuition, She fuels, guides and dances with your creative juices. And this is fun!

Also, there’s more time to do this, and again, when you do harness those creative juices, they flow in such abundance (again, because you’re primed to do so) and so it feels super fulfilling. And so you want to do it again!  


MAGICAL RESULT #6: A deeper sense of connection with our Earth, and a deepened feeling of VITALITY and ALIVENESS 💃

Cyclical living brings to light the truth that we are not a part of nature, we are nature incarnate (literally!)

We ARE cyclical beings that experience the seasons every 24 hours and every Earthly season. And for women who bleed, every 28ish days.   

Cyclical living helps us to see that we are intimately engrained in something bigger, something consistent, something life creating and life destroying. Something powerful, something regenerative. 

And that this lives inside our wombs — well, this is not only wild AF, but powerful AF.

In my opinion, it’s magic ✨ and results in...


MAGICAL RESULT #7: More meaningful and sacred day-to-day living

Speaking of magic…this realization that I’m part of something so wild, so powerful, so magical fueled my increasingly a reverent relationship with nature — as She exists outside, and inside of me. 

And this relationship felt empowering and gave deeper meaning to my work, which, in the end, was a divine download communicated through my intuition.


So there you have it: 7 Surprisingly Sexy Results you'll get when you practice Cyclical Living. 

If you're ready to integrate Cyclical Living into your life, email me and we'll see if you're a good fit for my upcoming Sacred Living — an intimate circle of women who come together to learn and integrate the Art of Cyclical Living, ritual and altar-making over the course of 8 magical weeks. You can also click here to check out my free Guide to Cyclical Living or enter your details below.





Photo credit: Danielle Noel

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